Thursday, January 27, 2011

The Expat's Intro

Let's lay out some basic facts. For those of you who don't know me or what this whole thing is about, I think a basic introduction is in order. You should know what you're getting yourself into ahead of time. I'm Brittany and I am going to Liberia for the next six months to work with an NGO in Monrovia called Innovations for Poverty Action (check that out to the left!). I study Conflict Resolution and will be taking part in two of their projects; ex-combatant reintegration and urban youth. They're expectations of me seem a bit high, so let's hope I don't fail them miserably, for my sake at least.

more about me: I have a very unique fascination with war, conflict of any sort really, and have traveled all over the place (The Gambia, Pakistan, Sierra Leone ect). While abroad I tend to, scratch that, do observe and evaluate everything, all the time. Food, weather, language, cultural name it, I'll probably say something about it. Sometimes very harsh things. Abrasive even, but in a good way (or at least I think so). There's a reason I've named this "Rants of an Expat." I'm not trying to sugar coat anything here. Whether it be good or bad, I'm going to lay it out like I see it.

So now that I've unintentionally, yet thoroughly given the impression that I'm an angry elitist, I should change the subject a bit and say that I am very excited, even giddy I suppose you could say, about leaving for Liberia. I have the feeling things are going to get a bit rough while I'm there given that their next door neighbor, Ivory Coast, isn't so stable at present and has hundreds of refugees (a day) flooding into a country full of young men and boys who are all too familiar with the inner workings of a semi automatic weapon (that would be Liberia). Can you say mobilization? I can, but I'm hoping it doesn't go that far. Flying into a country possibly on the verge of conflict, sign me up. Now that you know me, let's get this crazy train rolling.


  1. Woot! Super excited to see your non-sugar coated rants. Be safe :)

  2. Yo Yo.. keep this thing going. I'll need some cheap entertainment after spending all my hard earned dough on a new casa. Hope you have a great experience.

  3. hahaha! you got it keith. I guess I wont be charging you to read this then...

    thanks Amanda, I will!

  4. can you say airlift? and i'm glad that you can admit to being an elitist :)

  5. It's so good of you to do so much to not only see the world but to do your part in making it a better place as you do so! We know several nationals involved in NGO's, mainly orphan care, in Liberia; if you want some contacts for your time there you can facebook us. God's best to you!

    Jesus loves you,
    Mike Propp

  6. Thanks mike for the help in advance!
